T h e L e g e n d o f 1 9 0 0

Key's begin.
The keys end.
You know there are 88 of them.
Nobody can tell you any different.
They are not infinite. You are infinite.
And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite.
I like that. That I can live by.

You get me up on that gangway and you roll out in front of me a keyboard of millions and billions of keys that never end.
And that's the truth, Max.
That they never end.
That keyboard is infinite.
And if that keyboard is infinite, then there is no music you can play.
You're sitting on the wrong bench.
That's God's piano.
Christ, did you see the streets? Just the streets.
There were thousands of them.
How do you do it down there?
How do you choose just one?
One woman.
One house.
One piece of land to call.
Your own one landscape to look at.
One way to die.
All that world just weighing down on you.
You don't even know where it comes to an end.
I mean, aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it?
At the enormity of living it?
I was born on this ship.
And the world passed me by.
But two thousand people at a time.
And there were wishes here.
But never more than fit betweeen prow and stern.
You played out your happiness but on a piano that was not infinite.
I learned to live that way.
Land is a ship too big for me.
It's a woman too beautiful.
It's a voyage too long.
Perfume too strong.
It's music I don't know how to make.
I could never get off this ship.
At best, I can step off my life.
After all, I don't exist for anyone.
You're the exception, Max.
You're the only one who knows I'm here.
You're a minority.
And you'd better get used to it.
Forgive me, my friend.
But I'm not getting off.



憤怒發洩過後 壯烈犧牲的不只是一顆雞蛋 還有大量腦細胞


因為雞蛋殺傷力低易買又便宜 一打一打地扔出去也不心痛
眼見它擊中目標時由完整到破裂到碎開的一刻真的很有成功感 (以上只是胡說)

Nikon FM-10 with Nikkor 50mm 1.8D /
DNP Centuria 100

Nikon FM-10 with Nikkor 50mm 1.8D /
DNP Centuria 100

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

因為以下一套電影而聽到blowin' in the wind

關於這套電影的名字 其實我覺得無論什麼語言都很奇怪

" The Foreign Duck, The Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker "
" 鴨子和野鴨子的投幣式自動存放櫃 "
還有香港的譯名是 " 番鴨 . 土鴨 . 神明儲物櫃 "

記得ka yi 還說它應該抄襲了 " 獅子 . 女巫 . 魔衣櫥 " 的pattern
話說看這套戲的時間已經是上個月, 8月21日.... 時間飛逝




Nikon FM-10 with Nikkor 50mm 1.8D /
DNP Centuria 100


人家開學 我在家


另外 852+948490xx 究竟是誰?

他知道我是誰 我卻認不到他的聲音

今天細佬腳趾因意外流血 然後討論到血型問題
本人為AB+ / 2個細佬是A+ / papa & mama 未知
不過他們應該是A / B / AB (除非我們並非他們所生)

找了血型Type Frequency

O+ 38%
A+ 34%
B+ 9%
O- 7%
A- 6%
AB+ 3%
B- 2%
AB- 1%

慶幸不是AB- 不過100個裡面都只是多2個 我要去捐血